E.g: you spend $100 on dinner with a friend.
Your friend bank transfers you $50 for their share of the dinner.
Currently in SortMe, you'll have a $100 restaurant expense and a $50 income.
This is incorrect, because you personally only really spent $50 at the restaurant, so your expenses and incomes are now incorrectly inflated.
Instead, we want to allow users to put an income (deposit into their bank accounts) into an expense category to reduce that expense for that period.
Use cases:
  • Reimbursement from work (e.g: you spend $100 on petrol, but your work bank transfers that $100).
  • Reimbursement from flat mates (e.g: you spend $250 on electricity that month, but your flat mates bank transfer you $125 towards that)
  • Reimbursement from health insurance (e.g; you spend $100 at the G.P, but your insurance reimburses you $80 towards that).
In all of these examples, the reimbursement should not be seen as an "income" but rather it should reduce the amount your "spent" on the respective category.