Aidan Scott
We're looking at doing this, curious to know what anyone's use case for exporting transactions would be?
It would help us to understand better what we need to build.
William Dragicevic
Aidan Scott This would be great for advisers to be able to connect to this, or for us to be able to download all of our transaction data from every source with an approved stamp etc so it's easier to assess financials etc. But I know that the banks always want official statements or transaction lists anyway but it would be a great thing to be able to share all of this data combined from every financial company that I'm using.
Aidan Scott
Thanks William Dragicevic:. We've found that for mortgage applications banks do usually want official PDF statements.
But for other use cases a data export could be useful in CSV.
That said, we're also keen to know more about these other use cases to see if we can build them into SortMe directly without needing to export data and send it to someone else or another system.
William Dragicevic
Aidan Scott As an example, our financial adviser had to go through all of our financials manually as they didn't use something like the illion Bankstatement categorisation tool that Westpac is using now to sort our transactions across many providers. It would be great for our adviser to be given a report of this for ease